Planning Careers

See TSC Planner jobs available at the bottom of this page

What's Great about your TSC Planning Career?

We asked our Planners how they liked working at TSC:

“Exciting to be doing Subdivision Consents, moving on from Land Use Consents.”

“Nice sized company, not a number here, but a person with a respected professional."

 “Really supportive work environment. Considerate of personal circumstances, flexibility to achieve work-life balance.”

“In larger companies projects can take longer due to the layers of administration and approval.”


Streamlined Information Gathering

  • Streamlined information gathering makes work efficient

  • Easy access to Project Managers for information gathering

  • Collaboration and close contact between team disciplines, (Surveying and Engineering), all in one location

Project Involvement

  • Feel valued for individual contribution to the company

  •  See projects from beginning to end

  • Efficient and timely management of projects leads to work variety

  • Treated as an integral part of client projects, involved in client meetings

Positive Company Culture

  • Directors invest in a good working atmosphere; all our efforts are rewarded with initiatives e.g. the “10 good jobs”, whole company shared lunch

  • Sound ethics and focus on positivity, health and well being, respect, creates a positive working environment

Professional Development support

  • Supportive of individual training and development; days off for CPD and courses paid for

  •  Encouraged to interact with other Planners in the district to share knowledge

Convenient office with amenities

  • TSC’s office being in Pukekohe town centre means can run errands, shop and catch up with people during my lunchbreak

  • Pukekohe is very accessible compared to more urban locations

  • The convenience of on-site parking

  •  Excited that there is a gym in the office

Current TSC Planner Jobs

We have a full team of talented Planners, so no TSC Planner jobs are available at this time. 



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